EuroHPC to Establish AI Factories to Advance EU AI Capabilities
Authors: Mark Nossokoff and Bob Sorensen
Publication Date: September 202024
Length: 1 pages
The EuroHPC Joint Undertaking (JU) recently initiated two calls seeking interest from hosting sites to house AI Factories. These calls stem from the July 2024 appended JU regulation to expand the JU’s AI objectives. Funding includes up to €400M for new or upgraded AI EuroHPC supercomputers and up to €180M for the establishment and operation of the AI Factories as well as the development and deployment of advanced experimental AI-optimized supercomputing platforms. The EU funds will be matched with an equal amount of budget by participating JU countries. The AI Factories are intended to bring together key elements required for AI success (computing power, data, and talent) and make the resources available to a broad range of European users, including start-ups, industry, and researchers.
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