Top Predictions for the Global HPC Community in 2024
Authors: Mark Nossokoff, Tom Sorensen, Jaclyn Ludema, Melissa Riddle, Bob Sorensen, and Earl Joseph
Publication Date: January 202024
Length: 5 pages
For 2024 and beyond, Hyperion Research makes these predictions for the worldwide HPC market:
1. Utilization of HPC resources in the cloud will experience accelerating growth as users augment their AI focus on training with inferencing.
2. While speeds and feeds will continue to be important to buyers of storage systems, the primary value point and competitive advantage for data storage solutions will shift to the data platform.
3. System vendors will struggle to a greater degree than hyperscalers in absorbing the accelerated cadence of NVIDIA’s GPU roadmap.
4. Interest in procuring on-premises quantum computing (QC) systems will grow, augmenting but not replacing access to QC through the cloud.
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