Tape-based Storage Remains as a Key Element for On-Premises Storage Strategies
Authors: Mark Nossokoff and Jaclyn Ludema
Publication Date: June 2023
Length: 3 pages
While innovations associated with HDD capacities, SSD performance, latency, bandwidth, and throughput advancements dominate HPC storage-related investments and headlines, tape-based storage solutions remain a critical part of data center storage architectures. Tape continues to be utilized at roughly half of the sites surveyed, with average tape capacity at those sites being approximately 2.5x greater than average disk (both HDD and SSD) capacity across all surveyed sites. This data is from an annual study which is part of the eighth edition of Hyperion Research’s high-performance computing (HPC) end-user-based tracking of the HPC marketplace. It included 181 HPC end-user sites with 3,830 HPC systems.
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