Reflections on the Exascale Era with Doug Kothe
Authors: Thomas Sorensen and Earl Joseph
Publication Date: November 2023
Length: 8 pages
The HPC User Forum was established in 1999 to promote the health of the global HPC industry and address issues of common concern to users. In September 2023, the 83rd HPC User Forum took place in Tucson, Arizona. This update summarizes a presentation from that conference given by Doug Kothe, Chief Research Officer and Associate Labs Director for Advanced Science & Technology at Sandia National Laboratories. In addition to providing updates on the Exascale Computing Project (ECP) and key insights regarding the Frontier Supercomputer, he discussed the application portfolio, challenges, and goals for ECP.
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Germany’s Plans for User Inclusivity and Green Exascale
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Cancer Computer: Computing for the Cure
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The HPC User Forum was established in 1999 to promote the health of the global HPC industry and address issues of common concern to users. In September 2019, the 73rd HPC User Forum took place at the Argonne National Laboratory, In Lemont, Illinois. This update summarizes a presentation from that meeting entitled, Cancer Computing, Computing for the Cure, given by Roy Chartier, Founder and CTO of Cancer Computer.
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