Cray Shasta Architecture Hits an Exascale Triple
Authors: Steve Conway and Earl Joseph
Publication Date: August 2019
Length: 2 pages
Propelled by a vision of HPC-cloud and HPC-enterprise convergence, Cray’s Shasta architecture will underpin America’s first three exascale supercomputers, including the just announced 1.5-exaflops El Capitan system headed for DOE NNSA’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 2022.
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A View of the 2018 HPC Market by Verticals
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Hyperion Research recently closed the books on the 2018 year for the high performance computing market in our market tracking database, the QView, as well as the Country Level Database, which tracks the HPC markets in 26 countries around the world as well as 13 different verticals. 2018 was another high growth year, with the server market reaching $13.7 billion, and the total market (servers, storage, software and technical support service) totaling more than $27.6 billion. The market has continued to grow at a steady rate of around 6% for the past 5 years.
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Updated HPC Market Forecast Compared To Previous Forecast
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