Buyers’ Expected Short-Term Spending Changes for HPC Servers, Public Clouds, and Desktops
Authors: Melissa Riddle, Alex Norton, and Earl Joseph
Publication Date: February 2021
Length: 6 pages
Covid-19 has impacted the worldwide HPC ecosystem in a variety of manners, leading to unpredictable changes in spending trends on systems, production, and installation of those systems, as well as changes in the sources of users’ compute resources. Hyperion Research conducts surveys throughout the year to ask buyers for their expected short-term and long-term HPC spending changes in order to keep a tab on the ebbs and flows of the market. This Special Analysis explores changes in short-term budgets and expected spending. Due to the ever-changing situation of the world, these surveys have become critical in understanding, and predicting, the short-term spending trends of HPC buyers.
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