In a tweet, Iran said it is building a new supercomputer. Other nations are doing the same because high performance computing platforms lend themselves to AI development.
HPC applications need a lot of resources, but not all enterprises can meet those requirements. However, new cloud services are emerging to address that gap in the market.
The University of California at San Diego has adopted a cloud-first strategy that involves retiring three mainframes, shifting as many computing workloads as possible to the cloud and abandoning ...
The Commerce Department on Friday took its broadest swipe yet at China’s supercomputing industry, imposing new export restrictions that effectively bar five major
China’s burgeoning supercomputer industry became the latest target of U.S. trade restrictions as officials banned shipments to four Chinese technology companies
Until now most of the buzz around quantum computing has been generated by folks already in the computer business – systems makers, chip makers, and big cloud providers.
The EU-supported Fortissimo project, started in July 2013, aims to make it easier for SMEs to gain affordable access to supercomputer-based simulation and analytics.
Nvidia Corp. is acquiring Israeli interconnect maker Mellanox Technologies Ltd. for $6.9 billion, bringing together two firms that face rapidly accelerating competition for data-intensive