HPC User Forum Event
May 2021: 3-Day HPC User Forum Event [Virtual]
We are pleased to announce that the HPC User Forum has been reconfigured as virtual events for 2021.
All members of the worldwide HPC community are invited to join the HPC User Forum and to join in the May meeting!
We want to thank the Steering Committee for creating an exciting agenda for the May 2021 meeting.
There will be two (2) sessions per day for a total of six (6) different sessions, each exploring a range of topics featuring noted speakers and panelists.
The meeting will be streamed twice to accommodate different time zones. There will be a one-hour break each day at 12:00. Registration will be required in order to participate in the event.
The following dates/times are available for selection during registration:
- US-friendly time zone: May 11-13: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm CT (each day)
- Europe/Asia-friendly time zone: May 12-14: 10:00 – 15:00 GMT (each day)
*For information about sponsoring or membership in the HPC User Forum, please contact Steve Conway at SConway@hyperionres.com or Jean Sorensen at jeansorensen@hyperionres.com.
To find out more about the HPC User Forum, visit www.hpcuserforum.com.